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Support our research in Thorikos

Reconstructing and understanding the lives of ancient Thorikians, their technological achievements, their hardships in the mines, and their religious beliefs can only be done through international and interdisciplinary collaboration between students and junior and senior staff. For this we need your support !

How ?

We seek support from private and corporate donors willing to make a donation to the University Fund of Ghent University:

IBAN: BE26 3900 9658 0329 (BIC: BBRUBEBB) with reference ‘Thorikos LW-619’. By adding the name of an individual project, you can decide which part of our research you would like to support, e.g. ‘Thorikos LW-619 – THEATRE’ for the theatre publication (see below).

Donations may be tax deductible depending on your country of residence. In Belgium, for donations of 40 EUR or more, you will receive a tax certificate with which you can recuperate 45% of your donation in your personal income tax. To this end, Ghent University will provide an attestation in the spring of the year following your donation. It should be stressed that Ghent University will not take any overhead on the donations. Your contribution is much appreciated!

The theatre publication (Code: ‘THEATRE’)

Published research data and the quality thereof are key to the advance of scientific knowledge. It is, therefore, to be regretted that the probably oldest stone-built theatre of the ancient world has still not been fully and conclusively published. In order to fill in this lacuna, we seek financing through the fund-raising channel at Ghent University. With the help of benefactors, we have been able to finance two short study campaigns in which a large number of finds from the Theatre excavations were analyzed (2018-2019). see  ‘Theatre Project’

Over these past two years, however, the storerooms at the Archaeological Museum at Lavrio were found to have reserved many surprises. In the storage boxes we encountered many more finds than expected, and now estimate that we will need two more campaigns to finish the study and prepare the comprehensive publication. We therefore ask your help in enabling us to finish this important work by donating to this publication project. All contributions are welcome (past donations ranged between 25 and 7500 EUR). The total sum for the two additional campaigns is calculated at 24,000 EUR: 12,000 EUR in 2020 and 12,000 in 2021.

Excavations in the Prehistoric Settlement on the Acropolis (Code: ‘PREHISTORY’)

Localized excavations on the acropolis of the Velatouri have brought to light settlement remains predating the development of the Classical town and industrial facilities on the lower south slope of the hill. Impressive remains of a Bronze Age settlement were discovered by Valerios Staïs (1893) immediately below the rocky summit of the Great Velatouri, whereas Neolithic, Bronze and Early Iron Age buildings, deposits and/or burials were uncovered by Jean Servais (1965) in the three small trenches that he opened on the plateau to the east of the Great Velatouri. In 2020, we will resume excavation on the acropolis to shed light on the prehistoric occupation of the site. New trenches will be opened to the west of Servais’ central trench, in the immediate vicinity of Staïs’ excavation, as well as on the west slope of the Great Velatouri, where ancient walls were identified during the 2018 surface survey. Modern techniques of excavation, documentation and analyses (e.g. archaeo-environmental studies, field anthropology, petrography, 3D documentation) will be employed to maximize the quantity and quality of field data, and Belgian and international students will be invited to participate as part of their archaeological training. Donations will help to cover the cost of student training, excavation, conservation of architectural features and objects, study and publication. Thank you for your contribution!


Under the acropolis of Thorikos, there is an important silver mine, an extraordinary labyrinth of galleries, shafts and mining works that has not yet been fully investigated even after four research campaigns. The mining works, some of which date to prehistoric times, reveal sophisticated mining techniques for extracting silver ore. Currently, research is focused on the deepest parts of this vast complex in order to complete both exploration and survey. It is possible that these underground works will reveal new discoveries in terms of graffiti, inscriptions and other remains. We estimate that it will be necessary to organize three additional study campaigns to complete exploration, survey and laboratory analyses (mineralogy), making it possible to finalize the mapping and publication of this exceptional network. In addition, there is an archaeological excavation foreseen at the entrance to the Acropolis mine, where evidence of prehistoric mining works has been found. The total amount for each campaign (2020-2021) is estimated to c. 7000 EUR, including travel and accommodation expenses for a team of seven people specialized in underground exploration, as well as the costs of scientific material and speleological equipment. Thank you for your contribution!

Sous l’acropole de Thorikos se développe une importante mine d’argent, un extraordinaire labyrinthe de galeries, de puits et de chantiers que quatre campagnes de recherches n’ont pas encore permis d’achever l’exploration complète. Les travaux, dont certains remontent à la préhistoire, révèlent des techniques d’exploitation sophistiquées pour extraire le minerai d’argent. Actuellement, les recherches s’orientent dans les parties les plus profondes de ce vaste complexe afin de pouvoir terminer à la fois l’exploration et la topographie. Il est possible que ces travaux souterrains révèleront des nouvelles découvertes en termes de traces et de vestiges. Nous estimons qu’il serait nécessaire d’organiser trois campagnes d’études supplémentaires pour achever à la fois l’exploration, la topographie et les analyses en laboratoire (minéralogie), ce qui permettra de finaliser la cartographie et la publication de ce réseau souterrain inédit. A ceci s’ajoute des fouilles à l’entrée de la mine, où ont été repérés les vestiges d’une exploitation préhistorique. Le montant total de chaque campagne (2020-2021) se situe aux alentours de 7000 EUR, intègrent les frais de déplacement et de séjour d’une équipe de sept personnes spécialisées dans l’exploration souterraine, ainsi que les frais du matériel scientifique et des équipements spéléologiques. Merci pour votre contribution!